Membership Renewal
If you are already a member and would like to renew, please call (877) 743-6805 or mail your renewal form (located here) to:
NARA/MU Membership/Renewal P.O. B...
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NARAMU is the leading trade group in the United States of Review Appraisers and Mortgage Underwriters.
To find a member or log in as a member click on the appropriate link below.
Established in 1975, the National Association of Review Appraisers and Mortgage Underwriters is an organization dedicated to maintaining professional standards and promoting ongoing education in the fields of Appraisal Review and mortgage Underwriting. The growth and recognition which NARA/MU and its members have experienced is an obvious indication that these specialized fields were long overdue in being represented on a professional basis.
NARA/MU membership consists of members representing international corporations, banks, thrifts, insurance companies, accounting firms, law firms, and private real estate lenders. Virtually all the major Federal agencies are represented as are hundreds of State and local government agency real estate professional. In addition, NARA/MU membership includes a substantial number of independent real estate appraisers and consultants who are involved in reviewing and mortgage underwriting.
Federal and State regulators are requiring that lenders have a sound policy for the Review Appraisals and an overall quality control program for Underwriting. NARA/MU has been showing lenders and other real estate professionals how to establish these kind of programs since 1975 through information and education. Members are not only recognized as the most experienced and competent in the industry, many are making the rules that the industry must follow.
The NARA/MU newsletter includes information on events, changes and news items involving the association and its members.
Members receive "How-to" Reviewing and Underwriting publications each year which address a variety of properties, i.e.. residential, commercial, apartments, vacant land, hotel, etc.
NARA/MU has created standardized review appraisal forms which are the standard for the lending and appraisal review industry.
FREE internet listing. As a member in good standing, you will be featured on our Member Directory, Allowing your customers to find you and verify your credentials.
Our Award winning Member Support Staff are here to help you. Give us a call!
· NARA/MU offers the following professional designations to qualified members:
· CRA - Certified Review Appraiser
RMU - Registered Mortgage Underwriter
· Associate NARAMU Member
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Molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed odio. Scelerisque in dictum non consectetur a erat. Aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris.
If you are already a member and would like to renew, please call (877) 743-6805 or mail your renewal form (located here) to:
NARA/MU Membership/Renewal P.O. B...
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The National Association of Real Estate Appraisers (NARAMU) offers the following professional designations to qualified members. Submit your application today and become a recognized profes...
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Previews - The NARA/MU newsletter includes information on events, changes and news items involving the association and its members.
Guideline Booklets - Members re...
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1739 Bubby Drive